IWD 在线润湿分散机
IWD 在线润湿分散机


Dust free, loss free, powder feeding, wetting and dispersing to a completely des-agglomeration in one machine. No external vacuum generation or additional external air is necessary. By combining all processing steps into one machine, enormous rationalization potential is offered. Production time is minimized, partial processing steps are completely avoided, production cost is reduced to a minimum, energy saving. The basic idea of the IWD technology is that not only the powder is wetted, but also dispersed into a liquid under vacuum. Agglomerates are avoided, better reactivity, higher efficiency of the raw material and higher product quality are the results.

工作原理 / Operating Principle


The IWD works together with a process tank in recirculation. After the machine is started, the liquid flows to the IWD and pumped back to the process tank. Due to the strong pumping action of the rotor, a strong negative pressure is created in the process chamber of the IWD. This vacuum which draws the powdered solids into liquid.

设备优点 / Benefits of IWD


•  粉体在接触到液体时瞬间被润湿完全省去这步骤,可节能超过50%以上;
•  无尘,无粉料损耗的完全洁净的生产工艺降低了生产成本;
•  分散效果提升的同时也缩短了产品生产的时间,尤其是砂磨机的研磨时间;
•  粉料在真空环境下不仅被润湿,同时也完成最佳的分散,分散剂用量有减少的可能性;
•  粉料吸入时先脱气,不会导入更多的空气,从而减少消泡剂的用量;
•  弹性化的批量大小不受限制,更容易清洗换色;
•  机器和分散罐不会有粉料沾粘或或结皮现象。

•  Partial processing steps are completely eliminated and process energy saving more than 50%;
•  Clean process due to dust-free and loss-free powder induction, production cost is reduced;
•  Production times are minimized due to dispersion quality improved;
•  Powders are not only wetted but dispersed into a liquid under vacuum. Reduction or elimination of wetting agents;
•  Deaeration of the product following powder intake. Reduction or elimination of defoamers;
•  Flexible, variable batch sizes and easy for color changing;
•  No adhesion to the vessel or installed components.

技术参数 / Technical Data

型号 ModelIWD20IWD40IWD60IWD80IWD100
  设备功率 Motor powerkw7.5~1530~4537~5555~9090~132
  工作转速 Max. speedr/min0~50000~36000~36000~36000~3600
  工作流量 Flow during circulationm³/h10~150
  粉体输送 Powder intakekg/h1~20,000 (依粉料种类而定 depending on the type of powder used)
  最大粘度 Max. viscositymPas

200,000 (依机器管道大小而定 depending on size and use of the machine)

  可选配 Optionsexplosion proof execution, certifications


无尘生产模块 Dust Free Process Module, it can include:

模块优点 / Advantage

A9RF413•  全自动生产
•  产品生产自始至终都有质量管控和保证
•  环保清洁工艺
•  生产所需面积最小化
•  所有设备均在同一楼层

•  Automatic production available
•  Product management from start to finish with quality control and guarantee
•  Clean process for environmental protection
•  Product area is minimized
•  Installation and operation on one level

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